InSYNERGYbyJohn CunninghamProtect Your Rights With Your Own ISBNsTips for the self-publisherNov 16, 2021973Nov 16, 2021973
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InILLUMINATION Book ChaptersbyDr Mehmet YildizHere’s How I Sold 1,000+ Books in a Month with Minimal Investment First Time.Practical and unique marketing techniques for creative freelancers leading to profitable sales with concrete examplesAug 5, 20214K64Aug 5, 20214K64
Linda CarollAn Open Letter To The Man Whose First Book Is Dying On AmazonYou asked what you’re doing wrong. You serious? Here you go.Aug 19, 20219.5K115Aug 19, 20219.5K115
InSYNERGYbyJohn CunninghamSuccessfully Taking Your Book to the PeopleWorking with a book designerSep 2, 20213652Sep 2, 20213652
InSYNERGYbyJohn CunninghamSwitching HatsYour book is finished, what do you do next?Jun 3, 20211501Jun 3, 20211501
InSYNERGYbyJohn CunninghamTake a Giant Leap to Better WritingHow editors are making my book better while I sleepMar 10, 20212773Mar 10, 20212773
InSYNERGYbyJohn CunninghamHow to Write a Book on MediumI’m Writing a Book on Medium & You Can TooFeb 11, 20212513Feb 11, 20212513